Gas Reports

Forge can produce gas reports for your contracts. You can configure which contracts output gas reports via the gas_reports field in foundry.toml.

To produce reports for specific contracts:

gas_reports = ["MyContract", "MyContractFactory"]

To produce reports for all contracts:

gas_reports = ["*"]

To generate gas reports, run forge test --gas-report.

You can also use it in combination with other subcommands, such as forge test --match-test testBurn --gas-report, to generate only a gas report relevant to this test.

Example output:

│ MockERC1155 contract  ┆                 ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost       ┆ Deployment Size ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ 1082720               ┆ 5440            ┆        ┆        ┆        ┆         │
│ Function Name         ┆ min             ┆ avg    ┆ median ┆ max    ┆ # calls │
│ balanceOf             ┆ 596             ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 596    ┆ 44      │
│ balanceOfBatch        ┆ 2363            ┆ 4005   ┆ 4005   ┆ 5647   ┆ 2       │
│ batchBurn             ┆ 2126            ┆ 5560   ┆ 2584   ┆ 11970  ┆ 3       │
│ batchMint             ┆ 2444            ┆ 135299 ┆ 125081 ┆ 438531 ┆ 18      │
│ burn                  ┆ 814             ┆ 2117   ┆ 2117   ┆ 3421   ┆ 2       │
│ isApprovedForAll      ┆ 749             ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 749    ┆ 1       │
│ mint                  ┆ 26039           ┆ 31943  ┆ 27685  ┆ 118859 ┆ 22      │
│ safeBatchTransferFrom ┆ 2561            ┆ 137750 ┆ 126910 ┆ 461304 ┆ 8       │
│ safeTransferFrom      ┆ 1335            ┆ 34505  ┆ 28103  ┆ 139557 ┆ 9       │
│ setApprovalForAll     ┆ 24485           ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 24485  ┆ 12      │