cast send


cast-send - Sign and publish a transaction.


cast send [options] to [sig] [args...]


Sign and publish a transaction.

The destination (to) can be an ENS name or an address.

The signature (sig) can be:

  • A fragment: someFunction(uint256,bytes32)
  • A selector and encoded calldata: 0xcdba2fd40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a69
  • Only the function name: in this case Cast will try to fetch the function signature from Etherscan


Transaction Options

--gas-limit gas_limit
    Gas limit for the transaction.

--gas-price price
    Gas price for the transaction, or max fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--priority-gas-price price
    Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions.

--value value
    Ether to send in the transaction.

    Either specified as an integer (wei), or as a string with a unit, for example:
    - 1ether
    - 10gwei
    - 0.01ether

--nonce nonce
    Nonce for the transaction.

    Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.

    This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

    Reuse the latest nonce of the sending account.

Receipt Options

    Do not wait for the transaction receipt if it does not exist yet.
    Environment: CAST_ASYNC

-c confirmations
--confirmations confirmations
    Wait a number of confirmations before exiting. Default: 1.

Wallet Options - Raw

    Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key.

--private-key raw_private_key
    Use the provided private key.

--mnemonic-path path
    Use the mnemonic file at the specified path.

--mnemonic-index index
    Use the private key from the given mnemonic index. Used with --mnemonic-path.
    Defaults to 0.

Wallet Options - Keystore

--keystore path
    Use the keystore in the given folder or file.
    Environment: ETH_KEYSTORE

--password password
    The keystore password. Used with --keystore.

Wallet Options - Hardware Wallet

    Use a Trezor hardware wallet.

    Use a Ledger hardware wallet.

--hd-path path
    The derivation path to use with hardware wallets.

Wallet Options - Remote

-f address
--from address
    Sign the transaction with the specified account on the RPC.
    Environment: ETH_FROM

RPC Options

--rpc-url url
    The RPC endpoint.
    Environment: ETH_RPC_URL

    Use the Flashbots RPC URL (

Etherscan Options

-c chain_name
--chain chain_name
    The Etherscan chain.

--etherscan-api-key key
    Etherscan API key.
    Environment: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Display Options

    Output in JSON format.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Send some ether to Vitalik using your Ledger:

    cast send --ledger vitalik.eth --value 0.1ether
  2. Call deposit(address token, uint256 amount) on a contract:

    cast send --ledger 0x... "deposit(address,uint256)" 0x... 1
  3. Call a function that expects a struct:

    contract Test {
        struct MyStruct {
            address addr;
            uint256 amount;
        function myfunction(MyStruct memory t) public pure {}

    Structs are encoded as tuples (see struct encoding)

    cast send 0x... "myfunction((address,uint256))" "(0x...,1)"


cast, cast call, cast publish, cast receipt, struct encoding